United by technology

Connected at heart


About Us

Our story

It started as an ambitious idea among classmates at Harvard. A course project opened our eyes to the escalating needs of aging populations... [read more]

Our vision

Envisioning a world where every individual is recognized, listened to, and nurtured, with the ability to access personalized, essential support needed to lead lives filled with joy and purpose


We develop healthcare solutions powered by IoT, Generative AI, NLP, Emotion AI (Affective Computing) and Machine Learning.

Check our inaugural solution AIDEN and take a short survey to help shape the future of senior care

Meet Co-founders

Daniel Jang

Daniel Jang (ALM, Harvard '24) is a versatile pathfinder and strategist with a diverse consulting career spanning over 20 organizations across various industries. His portfolio includes UBS, IBM, FIFA, and the Australian and New Zealand Governments, delivering transformative project outcomes.


Beyond his professional endeavors, Daniel has a passion for helping the underprivileged. This commitment has taken him on numerous mission trips around the globe, from building homes for AIDS orphans in Africa to serving as a volunteer crew member onboard a ship in Asia and playing football with underprivileged children in South America.


Daniel describes these experiences as having enriched his perspectives, cultivated a genuine heart for compassion, and fueled his commitment to 'do good' in practical ways.

Arvind Kaul

Arvind Kaul (ALM, Harvard '24) is a results-driven professional services leader with a global footprint, having contributed his expertise to global organizations such as EY, IBM and Appirio/Wipro. With over two decades of experience, he boasts a proven track record in spearheading strategic initiatives, crafting innovative solutions, and driving business development endeavors that catalyze profound transformations in clients' business strategies, operational processes, and technological ecosystems.


Beyond his professional pursuits, Arvind remains deeply connected to his passions. An avid cricketer, he dedicates time to coaching aspiring young talents. Moreover, fueled by a strong sense of social responsibility, Arvind is committed to leveraging technology as a force for good, endeavoring to enhance the quality of life for individuals worldwide.


Daniela García 

Daniela Garcia, M.D. is a medical doctor specialized in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from the Universidad Católica de Chile. She currently serves in a non-profit hospital for children, focusing on rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. Her work in the hospital is not just a job; it's a mission to empower young lives toward achieving their functional independence and enhancing their quality of life. 


Pursuing an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate at Harvard University, Daniela aims to integrate cutting-edge solutions into healthcare and social entrepreneurship.


Beyond her career, she supports the academic department of the Chilean Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, driven by a belief that quality knowledge should be accessible to all.